The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom.
About the Lecture & Speaker
The Friends Committee on National Legislation has a long history of social advocacy on Capitol Hill, but how are Friends called to influence our government today?
Just over 80 years ago, Friends started FCNL and became the first registered religious lobbying organization in the country. Today, with a team of expert lobbyists and coalition partners, grassroots networks from across the country, and the input of hundreds of Quaker communities at the start of every new congress, FCNL faithfully works to create the World We Seek. Grounded in a vision to bring about a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable world, that legacy continues to guide our prophetic work within the federal government.
Join us to hear from Micah MacColl Nicholson, Program Associate for Quaker Engagement on the past and present of FCNL’s advocacy.
Micah MacColl Nicolson is the Program Associate for Quaker Engagement at the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). An attender of Friends Meeting of Washington and alumna of Earlham College, she joined FCNL in 2023 as part of the Young Adult Program Assistant fellowship through a calling to help welcome more F/friends into the work being done in Washington, DC. She works to advocate for Quaker voices within our nation’s legislative processes and strengthen relationship with established and new Quaker communities across the country.
All are welcome! No prior registration required. Please note that the Zoom link for the event will go live on the day of the event.
About MMFP’s Adult Education Series
The Adult Education Committee at Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) hosts a monthly series of Zoom talks on Quaker topics of particular relevance to meeting members and attenders. For a full slate of upcoming lectures, visit