PYM Children and Youth!
Invite Youth Program Staff to Visit Your Meeting
Youth Programs staff will continue to focus on outreach and visitation with local and Quarterly meetings. They’ll be traveling to you to attend worship, share fellowship, and spread the word about the Yearly Meeting’s programs for children, youth, and families, and the spaces they create to connect with other young Friends. Youth Programs staff plan and facilitate the children/youth programs at local meeting and Quarterly meeting retreats and hope to do more to support Friends in community and to re-gather our wider PYM youth community. Request a Visit →
Children & Families (K-5th)
The Children & Families program provides opportunities for children in Grades K-5 and their families to gather for fellowship, worship, learning, and service; we endeavor to form lifelong bonds to community, to Spirit, and to the Society of Friends. We host meetups at various monthly meetings, family overnights at Quaker camps, and occasional “community playdates” and other events that gather families with children of all ages together with our wider Quaker Family of PYM.
Middle School Friends (6-8th) 
The Middle School Friends program provides middle schoolers in Grades 6-8 the opportunity to connect with one another across the yearly meeting. Together we create community, lift up and encourage youth leadership, and have ridiculous amounts of fun. It is hoped that by participating in the MSF program, they will come away with a better sense of what it means to be a Quaker, establish and maintain meaningful relationships with peers, and develop a sense of possibility for what being a Friend could mean for them in their lives today, and in the future.
Young Friends (9-12th) 
Young Friends is open to high-school aged folks in the PYM region to engage in community, spiritual exploration, personal and collective growth, and (perhaps most importantly), the fun and joy of being with other young Quakers and Quaker-friendly folks! The Young Friends program is directed by a dynamic collaboration between youth and adult leadership. Young Friends provides an opportunity for youth to experiment in and learn about leadership in a way that is distinctive to the Quaker community.
Friends Who Care For Youth 
Adult Friends who care for youth are companions to children on their journeys. The adults may be parents, grandparents, guardians, First Day program leaders and teachers, volunteer Friendly Presences, or simply allies and advocates for children. There are resources and communities for these Friends in the Yearly Meeting.