Sessions 2024
What is Sessions?
Annual Sessions is one of the oldest Quaker traditions! Today, all over the world, yearly meetings gather once a year to bring together members and attenders from their local meetings. We call them “Sessions” because meeting for worship with attention to the business of the Yearly Meeting is central to these times together. Continuing Sessions are our one-day events on the second Saturday of November and March, where we attend to the continuing business of the Yearly Meeting and enjoy fellowship across generations. During all these times we ask: What is God’s big idea for PYM Friends?
Looking forward:
All Friends everywhere are invited to join Fall Continuing Sessions at Arch Street Meeting House. Our theme “Called to Healing” acknowledges that this is a vulnerable time in our world and as Quakers, we are charged with joining in the work of healing and renewal. Fall Sessions will begin on Friday, November 8th and conclude on Sunday, November 10th. Friday and Saturday will be hybrid, with both in-person and online options, but all activities on Sunday will be online or at a local PYM meeting.
We encourage Friends to consider making Fall Sessions an overnight weekend experience! Home hospitality worked so well for Annual Sessions that we are planning to do it again for Fall Sessions. Sign-ups coming soon for both hosts and guests. There are also several hotels close to Arch Street; a list of options will be provided.
Items with an asterisk (*) are hybrid format
Events with two asterisks (**) are online-only
Tuesday, October 29th
7:00 – 8:30pm Threshing Session: Reaching Our Carbon Footprint Benchmark**
Friday, November 8th
- 3:00pm Registration opens
- 4 – 5:30pm Memorial Meeting for Worship*
- 5:30 – 7:00pm Dinner hour on your own
- 7:00 – 8:30pm Plenary speaker TBD*
Saturday, November 9th
- 8am – 9am breakfast on your own
- 8:30am Registration opens
- 9:00am Worship for all ages*
- 9:30am Youth programs begin
- 9:30am Meeting for Business*
- 12:30pm Lunch (provided by PYM)
- 1:30pm Meeting for healing
- 3:30pm Afternoon break
- 5:00pm Potluck picnic dinner
- 6:30 – 8:30pm Evening program: Healing with Joy*
Sunday, November 10th
All events online**
- 10:00am – 11:00am All Together Worship**
- The Zoom link to join All Together Worship will be the same one being used for that Sessions weekend; individuals and meetings will receive it when they register for Sessions.
- 11:00am break
- 11:30 – 1:00 Meeting for Business**
Tuesday, November 12th
7:00 – 8:30 Reports from Collaboratives and Sister Organizations**
Memorial Meeting for Worship
“It has been our custom each year, when we gather for sessions, to set aside time to memorialize those who have shed their earthly form during the year past. The Ministry and Care Committee also invites Friends to consider if an additional recognition (for example, a planting of some sort) for those in the meeting community who have died during the past year speaks to your meeting’s needs. We will gather during fall continuing sessions to share our memories, as is our custom.“