Send Quaker kids to college and to Quaker schools!
Recently Quaker Education Granting Group found joy and fulfillment! Here’s how:
- We made grants to 20 individuals and support their education. We loved discussing each application, highlighting individuals’ accomplishments, and celebrating their achievements.
This is a current or upcoming project or interesting thing the granting group is working on:
- We will grant funds toward teachers’ retirement funds. This allows small schools to match their employees’ contributions towards retirement.
- We will grant funds to support Quaker students in Quaker schools to be distributed through Friends Council on Education.
People who participate in this granting group can learn and grow in this way:
- Build community by joining this like-minded group.
- Grow in understanding of the diversity in Quaker Education.
- Learn what is happening in Quaker education currently
- May have opportunities to join members of this granting group in their education-related projects.
- Because the group is smaller members can have a big impact on any policy and/or publicity work the group decides to begin and continue.
This granting group functions at its best when there are people serving on it who have these skills or experiences:
- Interest or involvement in Quaker education
- Willingness to engage in thoughtful conversations about granting to support members of the PYM community.
- Desire to be part of a community working together to support Quaker Education
The realistic time commitment of members of this granting group includes:
- Attend 1-hr meeting on Zoom approximately five times per year including October, January, April and August and a 2-3 hour meeting in May
- Read applications of 20+ individuals before the May meeting
- Read and respond to occasional emails from the granting group
- Terms: Terms are three years, renewable one time
- Members of granting groups are appointed by the Granting Committee and must be a member of a meeting.
- The Quaker Education Granting Group should have 12 members; currently 4 members are needed
What We Do
The Quaker Education Granting Group (formerly the Committee on Friends Education Granting Group) makes grants in support of educational priorities. Some of these grants are made to PYM Member students in PYM-area Friends Schools; some grants are made to PYM Members for post-secondary education; and other grants are made to support teachers at small Friends Schools.
How We Work
PYM members with children in PYM Friends Schools and PYM members attending college or graduate school, can each apply for grants for tuition aid. The Granting Group contacts other eligible grantees directly for the Teacher’s Retirement Fund.
Who We Are
Narissa Bajjo – Chestnut Hill Meeting
Sarah Rose Ennis – Gwynedd Meeting
Nora Griffin-Snipes – Fallsington Meeting (Clerk)
Jodi Leeser – Byberry Meeting
Naomi Madaras – Chambersburg Meeting