Post-Secondary Education Funds
PYM members and their dependents enrolled in post-secondary educational programs may apply for Mary Jeanes Grants. Those in the field of “domestic, industrial or practical arts” are also eligible for Anne Townsend grants.
☞ n.b. – PYM members who are Swarthmore College students may also apply for the Jonathan Taylor Swarthmore Scholarship, administered by Stony Run Meeting of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Contact Cindy Maier at or Nick Fessenden at Their application deadline is June 1st, annually.
How To Apply
☞ We’ve updated our application forms! Either of the 2022 form or the 2023 form will continue to be accepted for 2023. The major changes are that tax forms and letters of recommendation are no longer required, although letters of recommendation are welcome.
The same form is used for both Mary Jeanes and Anne Townsend grants. To apply, download and complete an application form [PDF] and financial form [PDF]. The application form & financial form must be completed and submitted with the following additional documentation by May 1st. Be sure to include:
- Transcript from your most recent school (“official” version not required)
- Personal statement detailing your course of study and vocational plans (1 page)
- Letter or email from your Meeting Clerk affirming membership (not required for prior year recipients)
Letter or email of recommendation from a teacher/coach/advisor(as of 2023, no longer required, but welcome)Most recent Federal Income Tax Form(s) (1040)(as of 2023, no longer required)
Return the completed application form and required documentation by the May 1st deadline.
By mail: postmarked by May 1st.
☞ n.b. – We encourage you to apply electronically if at all possible during the current COVID-19 pandemic in order to ensure that we can get you a reply on time.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Post Secondary Education Grants
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
By email: with Post Secondary in subject line (Google Drive, Dropbox, or other sharing links are generally fine, but please email us directly, with Post Secondary in the subject line, with that link so that we can follow up with you if we have access issues.)
Applications, if complete, will be considered in mid-May. Applicants are responsible for submitting complete applications with all attachments. Notification letters will be mailed by July 1 to all applicants. Grant checks, paid directly to individual recipients, are mailed by August 15.
The Mary Jeanes Fund was established in 1896 by the Jeanes family estate “to aid deserving young Friends to procure an education, also to assist them to obtain the necessary course to prepare them for teaching by loaning money without interest, to be returned by them as soon as able.” The Fund was minuted in 2013 to be entirely a grant fund. For loan repayment information, please consult our loan repayment page.
The Anne Townsend Grant Fund was established in 1896 by the estate of Anne P. Townsend to provide grants to PYM Friends securing an education in the field of “domestic, industrial or practical arts, such as that as may be obtained at Drexel Institute, preference being given to such persons as live in suburban and rural communities, my intention being that such income shall not be applied for the maintenance or support of Friends Schools as now established.”