As a finding aide to PYM Members and others, we maintain a directory of Quaker grantmaking activity and other resources available in the PYM region. We also include additional resources for grant-seekers and first-time grant writers. For an overview of PYM’s grantmaking, be sure to check out the PYM Grants site.
If you’re a prospective grant seeker, you should direct any questions about the following organizations to the organization in question; while we strive to maintain this directory as accurately as possible, the organization itself will have the most up-to-date information. Organizations’ grantmaking timing, application and guidelines change over time. We recommend grant seekers be in contact with the organization managing the fund before applying.
Directory of Quaker Grants & Financial Support
Click the title to read more information.
Witness, Scholarship & Ministry
Susan Bax Memorial Fund
Grants for members of Friends meetings in the Section of the Americas to follow leadings to travel in the ministry that do not fit into other institutional programs. More Info.
Anne Bernstein Richan Peace Action Fund
Funding priority is given to new initiatives in peacemaking with the potential for long-term growth. It is hoped that this funding will enable someone with a creative idea to transform it from a spark into a vibrant light. Both individuals and groups are eligible for funding. More Info.
The Bayard Rustin Fund
This fund is intended to be used to support People of Color’s travel to FGC sponsored meetings and other activities, including the Summer Gathering. More Info.
Bogert Memorial Fund
Supports the study and practice of Christian mysticism, with grants of up to $1,000 to selected individuals, groups or institutions. More Info.
Young Adult Friends Development Fund(FWCC)
Friends World Committee for Consultation’s Young Adult Friends Development Fund provides grants to events and projects that benefit and strengthen the network of Young Adult Friends around the world according to the objectives and requirements. This could include anything from running a Quaker leadership training course to planning a World Gathering of Young Friends. We have a preference for engaging in partnerships and for working across theological and cultural differences and across Sections.
Gest Fellowship (Haverford College)
Fellowships for research engaging with religion, religious community, or historical religious practices using the Haverford College Quaker Collection.
More Info.
Moore Fellowship (Swarthmore College)
The Margaret W. Moore and John M. Moore Research Fellowship promotes research during the academic year or summer months using the resources of the Friends Historical Library and/or the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, providing a stipend to support such research.
More Info.
Lyman Fund
To support individuals seeking to follow their deepest inward spiritual leading.
Individuals. Members of the Religious Society of Friends are given preference, but applications may be made by any person, with financial need who seeks to follow his or her deepest spiritual leadings. The Lyman Fund does not grant to persons dwelling outside the USA. The maximum grant size is $3,000; repeat applications will be considered up to a lifetime maximum of $6,000.
Spiritual leadings related to teaching, writing, creating music and art, peace making, farming, meditating, and healing. Grants are sometimes given for attending a spiritually-focused educational program, particularly programs sponsored by Quaker organizations. No grants are given for undergraduate college education or PhD programs.
For initial inquiries, application information, guidelines, and questions, contact:
Tracy Booth
Cell: (202) 262-2563
Deadlines: Applications and letters of reference must be received by March 15 for the Spring and September 15 for the Fall grant cycle. The board meets in April and October for funding decisions.
More Information on the New England Yearly Meeting website.
The Margaret Fell Fund
The Margaret Fell Fund was created by FGC to assist monthly meetings who have members who are led to extended travel in the gospel ministry among Quakers (of two weeks or more duration).
Pendle Hill Resident Study Program
Scholarships for individuals to be able to attend programs at Pendle Hill. More Info.
Releasing Ministry Alliance
Releasing ministry provides a database of ministries carried by Quakers and allies. While not a grantmaking entity, Releasing Ministry offers multiple types of support and opportunities for connection for those carrying ministries.
Quaker Earthcare Witness Mini-Grants
Matching grants up to $500 to Friends’ groups, meetings, and organizations for projects that have a primary purpose of benefiting the environment and/or promoting environmental awareness and education among Friends and the larger spirit-led world. More Info.
Supporting Meetings and Friends Organizations
D’Olier Foundation
Grants to Friends organizations and to charitable organizations that serve the Moorestown, NJ area.
Friends Meeting House Fund (FGC)
Provides loans and grants for construction, renovation or purchasing of a meetinghouse.
More Info.
Friends Foundation for the Aging
Friends Foundation for the Aging is a Quaker foundation that funds innovative and collaborative programs to improve the lives of aging adults.
Jonathan E. Rhoads Trust
Tax-exempt organizations, primarily Quaker ones; projects are not restricted by type.
Send grant request in letter form, providing pertinent information and documentation of tax-exempt status. Deadlines: June 1st and November 15th.
Applications should be mailed to:
104 W Bridge st, New Hope PA 18938
2095 Rosewood Lane, York PA 17403
It may be advantageous for interested parties to send letters of application to both addresses.
DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE: George G. Rhoads, M.D.; Jonathan Rhoads, Jr.
(no website)
Sara Bowers Fund
(no dedicated website; a fund of Kennett Monthly Meeting)
Supports projects that advance of the principles of the Society of Friends or promote the growth and strength of Kennett Monthly Meeting.
Sara Bowers Committee
Kennett Monthly Meeting
P.O. Box 122
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Snave Foundation
(Snave Foundation)
To provide support grants for not-for-profit educational institutions and charitable organizations in the United States that practice or reflect the ideals, values and standards consistent with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Thomas H. and Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund
To aid collaborative projects that have as a primary purpose the renewal of the Religious Society of Friends and its organizations.
Tyson Memorial Fund
Supports special needs of Friends institutions and Meetings within PYM, with particular emphasis on furthering Friends education, religious interests, or services to the elderly.
Willistown Friends Meeting Trust
(no website; a trust of Willistown Monthly Meeting)
The Willistown Friends Meeting Trust makes grants to, in order of priority, (1) Quaker organizations with a mission focus in Chester County or neighboring communities, (2) Non-Quaker organizations with a mission focus in Chester County or neighboring communities, and (3) Quaker organizations with a mission focus outside Chester County and the neighboring communities.
- The Trust awards grants to nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status only.
- If you received a grant in the past, you must wait 2 years before reapplying. (Note: this is a change from the past.)
- We will consider all grant requests regardless of their purpose, with the exception of endowment funding which is not allowed. (Note: this is a change from the past when we only considered well defined projects.)
- Maximum grant request is $10,000.
- The application deadline is April 1, 2022. Applications received after April 1 will not be considered.
- The application must be completed in full and submitted electronically along with other requested materials to
- Site visits may be requested and must be honored either in person or virtually.
- We request that a follow-up report be submitted to the Trust by April 1, 2023, using the form provided if you receive a grant.
- Grant decisions will be made and communicated in June to all grant applicants.
Please contact the Willistown Friends Meeting Trust to obtain a copy of the most up-to-date guidelines & application form.
Mail: Willistown Friends Meeting Trust
7069 Goshen Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Obadiah Brown’s Benevolent Fund
Grants for Quaker purposes.
Primarily focused on New England Friends and Friends’ organizations.
Ralph Gentile, Clerk
Obadiah Brown’s Benevolent Fund
108 Pine Street
Andover, MA 01810
PHONE: (508) 265-0189
Request guidelines from clerk. Deadlines: 15th of January, April and September.
In Providence in 1823 by bequest of Obadiah Brown to be a fund, independent of New England Yearly Meeting, to enhance the Religious Society of Friends through grants to individuals and Friends organizations. He stated in his will “I recommend…specially the printing and disseminating of useful books for the promulgation of the gospel and by that means, as well as, otherwise spreading our Religious Principals where they are little known.” Sara Swift, a Trustee from Massachusetts, established the Swift Fund in 1914 to be administered by the 12 Trustees of Obadiah Brown’s Benevolent Fund. She directed that grants may be made to individuals “of our religious faith who are in need and who shall be or have been engaged in gospel or philanthropic work.”
Discrete projects with a tendency to produce increasing benefits to the Religious Society are favored. Grants focus on New England Friends and Meetings, but OBBF also makes some grants to national Friends organizations and to regional groups with strong ties to New England. Grants to organizations are not for regular expenses usually included in operating budgets. Does not support educational institutions for general operating funds, although in particular circumstances it may support Friends attending Friends institutions. Grants are generally limited to one-time applications for each project. Grant size is modest. Applicants are encouraged to find matching funds elsewhere and other collaborative funding strategies.
(no website)
Education & Youth
The Elizabeth T. Taylor Trust Fund
Supports Friends educational institutions, particularly those serving Young Friends; Quaker organizations that promote improved housing and community relations; and initiatives that encourage inter-visitation among Friends. More Info >>
APPLICATION: Write a letter of application (1-4 pages), with specific program description and dollar request. Tax exempt organizations only. Grants are not made to individuals. Grants outside of the Philadelphia Area are rare. Generally does not fund endowment building. Deadline: October 1st.
PROJECTS: The Fund prefers to fund Friends or Friends-related activities in the Philadelphia area. Priorities include Friends Primary and Secondary education, Young Friends Programs, Friends Family oriented programs.
Mimi Blackwell
Friends Fiduciary Corporation
1700 Market Street, Suite 1535
Philadelphia, PA 19103
215-241-7272, Ext. 107
Scattergood Friends School Quaker Scholarships
Scattergood Friends School offers a Quaker Scholarship for 9th-11th graders that covers 75% of room, board, and tuition.
It’s designed for young Friends who are active in their monthly or yearly meeting and would like to continue learning in a community like they’ve experienced growing up among Friends. More Info.
Sue Thomas Turner Quaker Education Fund
Works to further the development of Quaker values and concerns in education at Friends Schools nationwide. More Info.
T. Wistar Brown Teachers’ Fund
Supports members of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting who are over the age of 21 and who need assistance to prepare themselves to teach at the primary or secondary school level. More Info.
White Richardson Fund
The White Richardson Fund of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting focuses on the education of children of color in Philadelphia. ; grants range in size from $500 to $8,000. Funds are also set aside for members and active attenders of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting involved in schools or programs for children of color in Philadelphia.
More Info. To learn more about Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting.
William Jackson Education Grants
The Fund is for the educational purposes of children of members and
attenders of Monthly Meetings within Western Quarterly Meeting. More Info.
Financial Assistance
Abington Quarterly Meeting Home and Care Committee
Provides assistance to members of Abington Quarter in financial need. More Info.
John Martin Trust
Grants or loans to PYM Friends in financial need. Monthly Meetings apply on behalf of their members. More Info
Other Grants Available in the PYM Region
Allen Hiles Fund
Provides financial support in the areas of education, women’s issues, and economic development in disadvantaged communities. More info.
Bread and Roses Community Fund
Provides grants and technical assistance to Delaware Valley communities taking action to effect economic and social change. Offers a $500 opportunity fund. More Info.
Douty Foundation
Funding for organizations working to foster equitable opportunities for children and youth in Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties in Pennsylvania. More Info
Grandom Institution
Provides grants to organizations serving low-income people, for a range of energy assistance, energy, and self-sufficiency purposes. More Info.
Grundy Foundation
Supports nonprofit organizations in Bucks County, PA.More Info.
National Fund for Sacred Places
Historic houses of worship contribute significant value to their communities. Sacred places function as hubs for social service programs, the arts, and are vital to human belonging. Many of these aging and architecturally complex facilities require increasingly diverse streams of funding to be sustained as centers of community life in the 21st-century. The National Fund for Sacred Places was born out of a belief that providing technical and financial support for congregations could build capacity and increase the stability of these critical yet disappearing historic community centers. More Info.
Pew Charitable Trusts
Serves the public interest by providing information, advancing policy solutions, and supporting civic life. More Info.
Philadelphia Foundation
Pools over 650 permanent charitable trust funds that have been created since 1918 to improve quality of life in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties in Southeastern Pennsylvania. More Info.
Samuel S. Fels Fund
A private independent foundation with broad interests in community programs, education and the arts. Its grants are restricted to organizations located in the City of Philadelphia or focused on local issues. More Info.
Valentine Foundation
Makes grants to tax-exempt organizations or programs that empower women and girls to recognize and develop their full potential. More Info.
William Penn Foundation
Dedicated to improving quality of life in the Greater Philadelphia region through efforts to foster rich cultural expression, strengthen children’s futures, and deepen connections to nature and community. More Info.
Additional Resources
For other resources and assistance to grant seeks outside of PYM, we recommend consulting the Philadelphia Regional Foundation Center at the Parkway Central Library. Services are provided at no cost to residents of the region. In some cases, it may also be helpful to consult the Foundation Center an online directory of private philanthropic and grantmaking foundations; a fee is charged for access to the database. Neither of these organizations themselves makes grants, but both may help you find an organization that does.
For first-time grant writers, there are many free and available resources to help with writing a grant application. Consult Candid’s “Introduction to Proposal Writing” for a step by step guide to applying for grants.
If you represent a funding group that would like to be listed in the directory, needs to update their information in the directory, or wishes to be removed from the directory, please contact us at