After fifty years of minuting concern about climate change, in March 2021, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting felt it was time for a new approach. On that day, we committed to become more unified by addressing the impending climate catastrophe as a witness—not just as an organization, but as individual Friends and as meetings and as the yearly —everyone a witness!
We have continued to strive to make our witness work, so in July of 2021 we took another step and approved a roadmap which included five specific action areas to serve as a foundation for our way forward.
This July we are taking another spirited step as we welcome five newly appointed climate witness stewards.
Climate Stewards Explained
Climate Witness Stewards are an accountability body that is recommended by the roadmap and approved by Administrative, Quaker Life and Nominating Councils. The stewards are asked to serve the yearly meeting and its constituent parts by listening to, reflecting on, and reporting on how we are living into our commitments. They will foster an environment that enables and promotes the witness in a Spirit-led, trustworthy, and transparent manner.
The five stewards include:
- Andrew Anderson, Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Philadelphia QM)
- Jackie Bonomo, State College Meeting, Clerk (Upper Susquehanna QM)
- Ruth Darlington, Medford Meeting (Haddonfield QM)
- Pat Finley, Old Haverford Meeting (Haverford QM)
- Robert Greene, Princeton Meeting (Burlington QM)
These Friends have deep experience in Quakerism, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and climate justice. There may be up to seven stewards and nominations of additional stewards can be made to the clerk of Administrative Council Jim Waddington (jwaddington@pym.org).
The stewards will make their introductory report at Annual Sessions on Friday morning between 10:30 and 12:00.