Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This fall Providence Meeting united around the following statement on Racial Justice and Anti-Racism.
Consistent with our mission, Providence Friends Meeting seeks to involve members and attenders as partners in the ongoing work of racial justice, advancing equity, and undoing the effects of racism. This work requires us to examine and transform our own individual beliefs and actions, the beliefs, actions and policies of our meeting as a corporate body, and to challenge the effects of racism in the larger society. These include, among others, disparities in healthcare, economics, housing, voting access, climate justice, the workplace, criminal justice, and education.
- As Providence Friends Meeting acknowledges and honors the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals, we strive to be a culturally safe space where all individuals and groups are treated with respect in regard to their unique cultural needs and differences.
- We strive to build a pluralist, anti-racist community that encourages participation and leadership among all Friends, and supports and elevates partners and community members most affected by racism and bias.
Providence Friends Meeting resolves to use these queries to further these goals.
Corporate Queries
- How does our meeting support, model and encourage active and ongoing anti-racism work? How do we move all members forward on their journey to being their best selves?
- How are we working to change the ways that our meeting benefits from privilege and systemic inequality?
- How do we create “space at the table” for all individuals and groups?
- How do we actively consider the effects of our decisions on those who have been harmed by racism?
- How do we use Spirit-led decision making to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion rather than support structures that reinforce inequities?
- How do we carry this work into our worship and committee work?
Individual Queries
- How do I regularly examine myself for attitudes and behaviors that indicate any hidden prejudice?
- If someone suggests that something I have said or done is racist or discriminatory, do I listen and consider their point of view?
● How do my lifestyle choices affect the causes of justice and injustice in our nation and the world?
● How do I seek ways to make my local community, state and nation more just and equitable?
● How do I challenge statements, practices, behaviors, and interactions that diminish, demean, disempower, or otherwise harm others and their identities?
How do I do this with loving kindness that honors that of God in each person?