At its June meeting, PYM’s Quaker Education Granting Group met for discernment and approved a total of $49,050 to eighteen students from the yearly meeting to support their post-secondary education. The granting group meets annually for discernment of these grants, and applications are due May 1st.
Friends’ interests are diverse! Grants will support students in their pursuits of medicine, clinical counseling, human rights, environmental science, and more. This is what Friends are studying:
Words of gratitude and excitement have poured in since we shared the news with grantees. One friend wrote, “Thank you so much!! This is such great news! I’ll share it immediately with my mom!!!!” Other Friends shared how their faith is with them on their journeys. One Friend wrote, “My Quaker upbringing has played an integral role in my passion for human rights law, and I am so appreciative of your support.” Another shared, “It means so much to me to be fortified by Quakers as I start this next chapter.”
Funds to support post-secondary education come from Mary Jeanes and Anne Townsend. The Mary Jeanes Fund was established in 1896 by the Jeanes family estate “to aid deserving young Friends to procure an education, also to assist them to obtain the necessary course to prepare them for teaching by loaning money without interest, to be returned by them as soon as able.” The Fund was minuted in 2013 to be entirely a grant fund. The Anne Townsend Grant Fund was established in 1896 by the estate of Anne P. Townsend to provide grants to PYM Friends securing an education in the field of “domestic, industrial or practical arts”.
If you feel led to participate in this work, either by applying for funds or serving on a granting group, please reach out to grants@pym.org to find out how to get involved, or learn more on the grants webpage.
Words of gratitude:
“I am so appreciative of PYM’s continued support.”
“My Quaker upbringing has played an integral role in my passion for human rights law, and I am so appreciative of your support.”
“It means so much to me to be fortified by Quakers as I start this next chapter.”
“Thank you so much!! This is such great news! I’ll share it immediately with my mom!!!!”
“Thank you so much for your continued support. It is much appreciated!”
“Omg!! Thank you so much!! You have no idea HOW much this means to me!!”
“Thank you, thank you!!!”
“Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news with me. I am incredibly grateful for PYM’s support.”