During Fall Continuing Sessions, Friends were provided with a minute from Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting standing in solidarity with LGBTQIA+ people. This minute, adapted from one shared by Germantown Monthly Meeting, connects to the ongoing threats to the safety and well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community and reaffirms the shared commitment to stand beside them.
Minute of Solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ Community
Below are a few provided resources that Friends may choose utilize, learn, and share when connecting with the LGBTQIA+ community members and Friends. The following resources were compiled by Karen Lightner of Germantown Monthly Meeting, There is hope that this list will continue to grow, if you have additional resources to share, we invite you to send them to communications@pym.org.
Short Trans 101 Videos Series:
Trans 101 is a video series designed to help support trans people around you, the videos below were originally made in 2017 and 2018! A goal of Trans 101 is to help people better understand what it means to be trans, and how to make the world and better, safer, happier place for trans and gender diverse people!
QuakerSpeak Videos on the topic of Quakers & LGBTQIA+ experience:
QuakerSpeak is a bi-weekly video project by Friends Journal. The videos below are all about 5 minutes each and presents the story from LGBTQIA+ individuals Quaker experience.
- Creating Visible Support For LGBTQ+ Folks Kerry Wiessmann
- My Journey as a Transgender Quaker Chloe Schwenke
- How Jesus Affirms My Queerness Kody Hersh
- Coming Out as Gay in Kenya Justimore Musombi
Friends Journal Article:
We Think He Might Be a Boy by Su Penn is a story on Friends Journal about a family recognizing their transgender son as he discovers and asserts his identity from a young age. It is a story on identity and how unconditional support helps a child’s ability to live authentically.
- We Think He Might Be a Boy Su Penn
Friends General Conference:
Two resources from FGC Words by Friends: Exploring Gender in the Bible through Humor examines gender diversity in the Bible through affirming narratives and the video Let Love be the First Motion presents three Friends who share how love guides their diverse lives and work.
- Exploring Gender in the Bible through Humor with Peterson Toscano
- Let Love be the First Motion Su Penn at the 2014 FGC Gathering
Websites and Toolkits Supportive of Trans Folks:
- Supporting our Trans and Nonbinary Loved Ones from PFLAG
- This video and resource from 2023, provides details on the greater need to have educated and engaged allies working toward equality. The video reviews what advocates need to know to collaborate for their trans and nonbinary loved one.
- LGBTQ+ Etiquette and Common Bloopers from The Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate
- This handout from 2023 offers information on best practice LGBTQIA+ language tips, outdated terms, and tips for
respectful communication.
- This handout from 2023 offers information on best practice LGBTQIA+ language tips, outdated terms, and tips for
- Advocates for Trans Equality
- Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) was founded in 2024 as the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF), two long-time champions for the trans community. A4TE provides vital tools, knowledge, and services to provide support to trans people.
- Rose Montoya’s Trans Resource Website
- This site was created celebrate the beauty of persons of all gender identities and to educate and spread awareness about experiences and the issues.
We invite Friends to share more resources be sending them to communications@pym.org.