Arch Street Meeting House has reimagined the annual William Penn Lecture! The inaugural Annual Spring Kickoff will happen Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 5-7pm. The evening will include a cocktail hour and will be followed by a presentation by John Dickinson, portrayed by Doug Thomas. Join the “Penman of the Revolution” as he discusses his role in the journey that took us from colonies to country. In anticipation of this event, we interviewed Sean Connolly, Executive Director of Arch Street Meeting House Preservation Trust, to learn more about this exciting new take on a beloved event. [Read more…] about About the Annual Spring Kickoff: An Interview with Sean Connolly
Quakers & Quakerism
A Friend, A Life, & Spirituality
The more you get to know Alex Morisey, the more you become aware you are speaking with a spiritual giant. His path has woven through so much of our world of faith and through the lives of so many Friends that he has become part of the fabric of the Religious Society of Friends. Key to Alex’s approach to his spirituality is his intuitive connection with the world and people around him. Not inclined to regale listeners with his many noteworthy accomplishments, Alex seems happier sharing how he finds himself in the natural world that surrounds him and how valuable people of all walks of life are to him. As an avid writer, Alex loves to write essays that explore the meaning of all this, the meaning of his life and his faith. Alex is a member of the Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. [Read more…] about A Friend, A Life, & Spirituality
A Friend, A Mission, A Life To Share
After hearing about Fred Melroy and his prolific work in the Quaker community for some time, at long last, I had the chance to meet with him for a conversation. Wanting not only to understand his role as Clerk for the Greenleaf Granting Group, but also what makes him tick, I asked him several questions about his faith. But the more I pushed, the more he talked about his work, until at last it became clear to me that for Fred, serving is at the very center of his beliefs. That is not to say he is some kind of uninspiring automaton—quite the opposite. When Fred speaks about his work, he welcomes you in with his no-nonsense humility and leaves you feeling that so long as there are people who love to serve and who love the people they serve as much as he does, there is a bright future ahead. [Read more…] about A Friend, A Mission, A Life To Share
Black History: Celebrate in February, Include All Year
This month is about honoring the radical, imaginative, provocative and gorgeous world Black Americans are bringing forth today as much as recognizing their efforts in the past. May we take this month to contemplate and celebrate the spiritual gifts and leadings Black Quakers have followed that continue to shape our community and encourage us all to come alive.
— Kimani Keaton, Community Engagement Associate for Special Projects
The resources below provide an opportunity to lift up Black voices and explore anti-racism with the young people in our care. Much has been written about the inclusion of Black History in mainstream education and how to teach this history both in terms of the Black American experience and children’s developmental levels. Some of the links to articles and resources below reflect these discussions and may be useful to consider in a religious education context. [Read more…] about Black History: Celebrate in February, Include All Year
Spiritual Life of the Meeting, We Invite You to Submit a Report
Warm greetings from the Ministry and Care Committee of Quaker Life Council. We trust this communication finds you well, grounded in Spirit and in your community of faith. This a reminder that if you haven’t already sent yours, we would like to receive the Spiritual Life of the Meeting report from your meeting by April 15, 2023. This will give the Ministry and Care Committee ample time to receive and read what you share, and to craft a document describing the Spiritual State of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and send it to the Quaker Life Council in advance of PYM’s Summer Sessions, July 26-30. [Read more…] about Spiritual Life of the Meeting, We Invite You to Submit a Report
Tuition Aid for Quaker Children in PYM Friends Schools
The Yearly Meeting’s Quaker Education Granting Group reminds meetings and families that local meeting members’ children who are applying to or attending Friends schools are eligible to apply for educational support for the 2023-24 school year. Funding for all grants comes from the National Friends Education Fund and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting endowment income from the Jonathan Rhoads Fund and other PYM education endowments. [Read more…] about Tuition Aid for Quaker Children in PYM Friends Schools
A Week of Gratitude Alongside Trauma
This week is one that wants to be filled with gratitude – especially for family and neighbors. In our beloved Philadelphia Yearly Meeting family there are stories on stories of our connections with neighbors. [Read more…] about A Week of Gratitude Alongside Trauma
The Plight of One of the Middle East’s Quaker Schools — Brummana High School
Brummana High School, founded by Quakers Eli and Sybil Jones and Theophilus Waldmeier 150 years ago, is high in the hills east of Beirut, Lebanon.
Brummana Friends Meeting together with Ramallah Friends Meeting in Palestine comprise Near East Yearly Meeting. Each Meeting has care of a school. Brummana High School and Ramallah Friends School, each co-ed day schools, are the only two Quaker schools in the Middle East. [Read more…] about The Plight of One of the Middle East’s Quaker Schools — Brummana High School
A Seeker’s Story
There was a collective feral growl from the four corners of the 30-odd members of the Gallagher extended family.
“He’s doing what!?”
“Dad is attending a recruiting meeting next month,” announced the Gallagher family matriarch. He’s on the brink of renouncing Catholicism and becoming a Quaker.”
I swear, you’d think I was filing divorce papers.
The feral growl became a feral roar.
“HE’S DOING WHAT!?” [Read more…] about A Seeker’s Story
Aging Quakers and Gardening
In my first months as the PYM aging support coordinator, I reached out to many of the Quaker aging communities in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. One interesting resident focused activity I kept hearing Friends bring up was gardening. Around the world, gardening has been recognized for its values of reducing stress, improving moods, providing opportunities for exercise, mobility, socialization, and community outreach while connecting with all aspects of nature. Perhaps Quakers feel particularly connected to gardening because of the quiet peace time with plants provides. More than that, Quakers have also found that gardening reflects our concern for the natural world. [Read more…] about Aging Quakers and Gardening