There are a few changes to our schedule this year. Sessions Coordinating Committee (SCC) found there to be a significant ask from attenders for more spaciousness in the schedule. You will find that afternoons are more open, and instead of back to back programming, Friends will choose one way they want to engage with each other that afternoon; it could be worship sharing one day, and a workshop the next. You will also see that each afternoon has space for threshing, which SCC felt was a great resource to the community last sessions and created spaciousness for listening on topics that weren’t complete in sessions. You will probably notice more changes as you look at the day-to-day (like a Saturday sleep in!), these are all intentional efforts to center love and trust and care for ourselves and each other during Annual Sessions. Keep checking in, there will be more details as we get closer. We hope you will come for a day, or two, or the whole week!