I hereby grant permission to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) to take and use photographic or video images and/or audio recordings (“Images”) of me (or my child).
PYM may use these Images on its website, on its social media pages, or in printed publications as it sees fit. This includes without limitation Images depicting the participation of me (or my child) in a video conference or other virtual event or gathering.
I understand and agree that: neither I (or my child) will receive any notice, payment, royalties, or consideration for use of these Images; the Images will be the property of PYM and will not be returned to me; PYM has the right to use, edit, crop, enhance or otherwise treat the Images as it sees fit, without any notice to me or right of approval by me.
I also acknowledge that this is a perpetual, worldwide grant to PYM and it may choose not to use our Images at this time but may use them later.
I also understand that once an Image of me (or my child) is posted on PYM’s website, the Image can be downloaded.
Therefore, I agree to release and hold harmless PYM from any claim, suit or damages as a result of such downloading or use by others. I have carefully read and fully understand this Photo and Image Release Form and sign (agree to) it freely, knowingly, and voluntarily.