Haddonfield Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Haddonfield Quarter
In July 2021, PYM approved minutes of action to be taken on anti-racism and climate change. How has your Meeting…
Yardley Friends Meeting, 2021-2022
Bucks Quarter
Like everyone throughout the world our year was different than any we’ve experienced. We usually start the season with our…
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting, 2021-2022
Philadelphia Quarter
1. In July 2021 PYM approved minutes of action to be taken on anti-racism and climate change. How has your…
Chester Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Chester Quarter
Query 1. Eight of us sat together in worship/sharing; the thoughts offered are reflected here, and there are others, which…
Makefield Friends Meeting, 2021-2022
Bucks Quarter
To summarize our take of 2021, Makefield Monthly Meeting is aging. We are a small but active Meeting with 6-8…
Birmingham Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Concord Quarter
On January 16, 2022, the Worship & Ministry Committee and the Oversight & Pastoral Care Committee of Birmingham Monthly Meeting…
Landsdowne Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Chester Quarter
A year ago, we were meeting on Zoom, with the worst of the Covid 19 waves taking shape around our…