It’s Summertime!

If your family is like mine, you’re planning for a different shape to this summer. Many day camps and sleep-away camp experiences are cancelled. Some parents are continuing to work from home. But alongside the continued Covid changes and challenges, we’re also finding new ways to enjoy nature, be in community, and create summer memories. Popsicles will still be cold and delicious in the summer heat! There are adventures ahead.

Looking at the summer calendar, we hope PYM families will join us for the gathering of our wider Quaker Family: PYM Annual Sessions.

Why come to Annual Sessions? The opportunity to be with Friends from across the four states in our Yearly Meeting region to worship, learn, discern, and bear witness together to our hopes for our Religious Society and wider society. For young people, the experience of being with a bigger group of “Quaker Kids” than most of them experience in their home meeting. This year, the added possibility that these programs may be a help to parents and children at home, seeking online “camp” and community — we’re got you covered!