Kennett Monthly Meeting (KMM) 2023-2024 State of the Meeting Report to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM)
Four Questions are addressed:
How is Spirit moving in your worship and how have you nurtured deep, Spirit-led vocal ministry?
The spiritual quality of life and the life of our Meeting depends on individual practice during the week and an awareness of spiritual dimensions. In February 2024, our Spiritual Retreat “Seeking my Inner Light” was a spirit building experience and helped clarify spiritual needs for members and attenders. There is always a desire for more spirit-led worship and it needs constant attention. KMM has spent time on development of vocal ministry with scheduled adult discussions. A Spirituality Discussion group also meets monthly. The spiritual nature of our communities and families in the US has changed over the years, but the structure of Quakerism helps to maintain spirituality because members are expected to participate in committee work. That nurtures spiritual practice and establishes a “mindful place.”
How have you fostered an environment in which members and attenders of all ages and abilities know they are loved, cared for, trusted and respected?
Care and Counsel members are actively reaching out to members and attenders of all ages and abilities.
As generations change we presently have few children but are open to new families and children. The new Childcare and Coordinator positions may help to draw in more children. Sundays are now busy days for families with children and are no longer saved for religious practice. School sports activities are regularly scheduled on Sundays.
There has been outreach to Friends Home in Kennett and a warm welcoming of new members.
How have you sought to be neighbors and in relationship with other communities and how have you been changed by these connections?
We have renewed efforts to strengthen the relationship with Fairville Friends School.
We continue a connection to the East Linden neighborhood in Kennett Square by providing generous Christmas giving to families.
Each Thursday night we have a Community Worship for Peace.
KMM and Friends for Immigrant Support (FFIS) relationship with Kennett Area Community Services, are addressing Housing and Food Insecurity. FFIS is a separate fund at KMM to support Emergency housing in the community. Part of the2023 Mushroom Fair parking event supports FFIS.
How have you been called to address issues of social justice, inclusivity and difference both within KMM and the wider world?
KMM has supported Black Lives Matter and would like to restart relationship with community groups such as Casa Guanajuato (CASA G)
Still recovering from the aftereffects of COVID, 2023 found us with an internal focus on nurturing our worship and spiritual practices. There is a normal fluctuation in spiritual practice and attendance.
Tension or conflict seem a normal part of growth and need not be feared. All of us have differing experiences. With the addition of new members our dynamic is also changing, but it should not prevent KMM from moving forward.