Land acknowledgments connect us with the rich heritage and spiritual thinking of the native people of this land. They appear as prayers and help convene Friends in the truths of the past and opportunities of the present. Each time we gather for Sessions, a land acknowledgment is offered as vocal ministry out of worship. This one was offered on Tuesday, December 8th by sandra o’scheyichbi (Boone Murphy).
Of meekness…
…let those of “us”
– Religious Society of Friends of Truth, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting corporate structures, fellow seekers, attenders, f/Friends –
…those virtually gathered tonight, acknowledge that
“we” are occupiers of Indigenous Peoples ancestral territories, ancient homelands to sovereign Indigenous Nations…
Here over ten thousand years, on their indigenous homelands, sovereign Nations’/ Indigenous Peoples thrive, having all needs gifted within community…
…here today, few sovereign Tribal Nations remain…
…the land remembers Tribal Nations’ lifeways – praying, conducting sacred ceremonies; nourishing, healing; storytelling, and crafting….
Inherently, today this land retains Indigenous knowledge, wisdom, ways of being.
Humbly, in this moment,
“we” remember “you” – the Susquehannock;
“we” remember “you” – the Nanticoke;
“we” remember “you” – the Lenape.
Na ne lekech, let it be so.