Joyce Ajlouny, Quaker Action for a Just World
February 16 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Kendal Friends Meeting invites you to welcome
Joyce Ajlouny
General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Quaker Action for a Just World
Sunday, February 16, 2025 3-4:30 pm
All are welcome
Kendal at Longwood Auditorium and on Zoom
Joyce Ajlouny joined AFSC as general secretary in 2017. A Quaker leader who is committed to help bring peace and justice to oppressed and vulnerable communities globally, Joyce brings to AFSC a depth of experience in international development and relief, education, and 30 years of non-profit management.
Joyce will describe AFSC’s current humanitarian aid work in Gaza and share her perspective as a Palestinian American, a third-generation Quaker and a leader of an organization that has done peacebuilding work in Gaza since 1948, and stood against antisemitism since its foundation in 1917. There will be time for Q and A – and please join us for light refreshments.
Kendal at Longwood is located at 1109 E. Baltimore Pike, Kennett Sq, PA 19348
Please park in Parking Lot #6
For more information, please contact Judy Hinds, jhinds1690@gmail.com